Monday, September 26, 2016

Smallpox Treatment - 1579

Smallpox are not something that we are concerned with treating these days... as they have been eradicated, however in Tudor England its was a disease feared by many. 

A treatment for smallpox per Bulleins Bulwarke of Defence against All Sicknesse, Soarenesse, and Woundes That Doe Dayly Assaulte Mankinde: Which Bulwarke Is Kept with Hilarius the Gardener, & Health the Phisicion, with the Chirurgian, to Helpe the Wounded Souldiours. Published in 1579. I have transcribed it as it was and then fixed the spelling to help ease of reading. Willian Bulleins was a Nurse-Surgeon for Henry VIII of England. He wrote a book simples and other medicinal cures.

Hope you enjoy looking into the past! 

What is the nature of Sulpher, called Brimstone?
SVLPHER called Brimstone, is hoat and dry in the fourth de∣gree: with this Sulpher, and fyre, God plaged the People of So∣dom, and Gomor, for their abhominable Sinnes against Nature. Supher is one of the simples put into the receypt of Gunpouder, wherewyth God by his instruments hath plaged the proude World with, through mercilesse Gunnes, Sulpher is found in diuers partes of ye worlde, as in vaynes of the Earth, Welles, Pittes, aswell in the colde partes of Iseland, as in the hoat partes of Inde. Of a sulpherous humour it is pre∣supposed that the waters of the Bathes heere in England haue their con∣tinuall warmnesse. Also in Italy in the fielde Senensis, vpon ye mountaines not farre from the warme Bathes of S. Philip, is mutch Brimstone foūde, therefore it is none errour to say that the hoat Bathes haue their originall spryng of Brimstone. Sulpher hath vertue to dry vp Scabbes being tem∣pred wyth fasting spittle, Uinegar, and Swynes grease. It also helpeth Leprous, Scabbes, and Poxes, being sodden in Oyle Debay, and sharpe Uinegar

What is the nature of Sulphur, called Brimstone?
SULPHER called Brimstone, is hot and dry in the fourth degree: with this Sulphur, and fire, God plagued the People of Sodom & Gomora, for their abominable Sines against Nature. Sulphur is one of the simples put into the receipt of Gunpowder, wherewith God by his instruments hath plagued the proud World with, through merciless Guns, 
Sulphur is found in divers parts of ye
world, as in veins of the Earth, Welles, 
Pits,as well in the cold parts of Iceland, 
as in the hot parts of Inde. Of a Sulphurous humour it is presupposed that the waters of the Bathes here in England have their continual warmness. Alsoin Italy in the 
field Senensis upon the mountains not far 
from the warm Bathes of S. Philip, is
much Brimstone found, therefore it is none error to say that the hot Bathes have their original spring of Brimstone. Sulfur hath virtue to dry up scabs being tempered 
with fasting spittle, vinegar, and swine’s grease. It also helps leprous, scabs, and poxes, being sodden in oil debay, and 
sharp vinegar.

HL Seamus O'Caellaigh

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